Stories of Resistance: México, neoliberalism & the war on drugs.

Reporting from Mexico on its resistance to neoliberal capitalism and the harms produced

Person of interests

In this section there are links to the various neoliberal actors deeply imbedded in the processes investigated her. Not just Mexicans, they include global capitalists, industrialists, financers, bureaucrat, academics and any other profession that is part of, or sustains the neoliberal global economic order: the transnational capitalist class (TCC).

Gerardo Gutiérrez Candiani – The head of the SEZ federal authority (AFDZEE in its Spanish initials). A perfect example of how the revolving door between government and the private sector works on Mexico. Gutiérrez was a onetime potential Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) candidate for president and governor of  his home state of Chiapas, and  previous head of the of two of the more powerful business chambers in Mexico: the Mexican Employers Confederation (Coparmex) from 2009-11 and the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) from 2102-15.

Alfonso Romo

The future chief of staff of the President elect of Mexico, AMLO, and promoter of SEZs. Ex-industrialist turned financer linked to Pedro Aspe, economic guru and government bureaucrat for the Neoliberal project in Mexico and ex-president of global investment fund Evercore, and former Mexican president Fox; ex-Coca Cola executive behind the previous attempt to exploit the southeast of Mexico: Plan Puebla Panama.

Ricardo Haussmann

Neoliberal academic at Harvard & SEZ promoter with a long history within neoliberal institutions and government. Infamously he was a member of the Venezuelan government whose polices led to the Caracazo, and directly led to the election of Hugo Chavez and the ousting of his elite brethren from power.

Pedro Aspe

Aspe is a leading light in the embedding of neoliberalism in the Mexican economy. Now retired his leadership and economic intellectual influence can be traced back to the start of the neoliberal program in Mexico. First as a bureaucrat in the Mexican government since 1982 when the neoliberal technocrat fraction took control of the nation in the aftermath of eh 1982 debt crisis. From there he moved to academia training up future politicians such as the current PRI foreign minister and ex-finance minister Luis Videgaray. He also moved into finance setting up his own investment vehicle which he later sole to global fund Evercore before retiring as its president.

Carlos Salinas de Gortari (President from 1988 – 1994.)